Courses for Spring 2016

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Location: Geer Village
Times: Monday, 10am-Noon
Dates: Apr 18 - May 23
Sessions: 6

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The Civil War in Fiction

In this course we will examine how six authors use the war or parts of it as they tell their stories. While we will make some references to the history of the war where appropriate to do so, our principal focus will be the works themselves. Readings and discussions are as follows: Week One, Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage; Week Two: Ambrose Bierce, Shadows of Blue and Gray; Week Three, William Faulkner, The Unvanquished; Week Four: Michael Shaara, The Killer Angels; Week Five: E. L Doctorow, The March; Week Six: Stephen Vincent Benet, John Browns Body . [These books are available at local bookstores or on Amazon.]

See this instructor's bio
Location: Geer Village
Times: Monday, 2-4pm
Dates: Apr 11 - May 23
Sessions: 7

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Dynasty and Destiny: Three Shakespeare Plays

This course will explore three Shakespeare plays: Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, and Richard II. Not quite as obviously as the History plays (or the Bush family), these three plays (tragedy, comedy and history) share at their core a family/’s attempt to maintain and extend its influence. We will read the text, view video performances and discuss our responses to the material. The individual scripts with notes are readily available at bookstores and on Amazon. The Folger edition is particularly convenient. Harold Bloom/’s SHAKESPEARE: THE INVENTION OF THE HUMAN (Riverhead Books) is an excellent resource.

Instructor: Thomas Gruenewald
See this instructor's bio
Location: Noble Horizon
Times: Tuesday, 10am-Noon
Dates: Apr 19 - May 24
Sessions: 6

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Creation of the Modern Middle East: A Documentary History

This course will attempt to put the fall term documentaries on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a broader historical context. How did the lands and peoples of the Middle East come to be what they are today? The course will reach back to the crusades, the rise of Islam and the Ottoman Empire, and finish with an examination of actions taken by Western powers in and after World War I that contributed significantly to the making of the modern Middle East.
Note: No class on May 3rd

Instructor: Laurance Rand
See this instructor's bio
Location: Noble Horizons
Times: Tuesday, 2-4pm
Dates: Apr 19 - May 24
Sessions: 6

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Mozart Piano Concertos, Mostly

The piano concerto came into its own during the time of Mozart( 1756-1791), and he wrote 27 of them! During this six-week semester, the most important of these will be presented on video with many outstanding artists. In addition, other concertos, one for violin, one for clarinet, will be presented to demonstrate Mozart/’s genius in what is arguably the most pleasurable of musical forms.

See this instructor's bio
Location: Noble Horizons
Times: Wednesday, 10am-Noon
Dates: Apr 20 - May 18
Sessions: 4

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Albert Einstein

We will examine the life and work of the man whose theory of
Gravitation was recently confirmed by the chirp heard round the world. The course will focus on Einsteins: 1.Childhood and early schooling 2. Adulthood, marriage and early jobs 3.Genius in full flower including Miracle year of 1905 up to World War 1. 4. World War 2 and citizenship in U.S, at home in Princeton and continued impact today.
NOTE: No class on May 11th. Last class is May 18th.

See this instructor's bio
Location: Geer Village
Times: Thursday, 10am-Noon
Dates: Apr 14 - May 12
Sessions: 5

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The Great Unified Theory of Economics. Finance and Everything Related Thereto:The World According to Jerry Jamin

Economics-politics-world events-stocks and bonds-monetary and fiscal policies-demographics-infrastructure-interest rates-currencies-inflation and deflation-budgets and debts-good and evil, and the third rail of sociology.
This course will tie it all together in one comprehensive and intelligible package. An unprecedented pedagogical tour de force? Or another example of egotistical overreach by the instructor? Perhaps.


Note: Exact number of classes to be determined.

Instructor: Jerry Jamin
See this instructor's bio
Location: Geer Village
Times: Thursday, 2-4pm
Dates: Apr 14 - May 5
Sessions: 4

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How Your Immune System Works

We have been faced with an onslaught of strange viral infections ¬¬– Ebola, Hanta, Chickungunya, Zika, and not so long ago, HIV. Flu viruses continue to threaten and so do SARS, MERS and other respiratory viruses. Defeated viruses like measles have risen from the dead because some people fear vaccines. Our other foes, the bacteria, have become more and more drug resistant, so that some infections cannot be treated with antibiotics.

It seems like a time to panic, but this series of discussions will help you avoid that. We will describe where each threat comes from, how it evolved, what is being done to contain it, and how to avoid it. Above all, we will describe the formidable defenses of the human immune system, how its parts work and how they can be fortified.

The course will involve learning a little modern biology but people who took biology 40 or more years ago should not worry. We will take our time and explain all concepts. Many of these health challenges have been described in my columns in The Lakeville Journal, called The Body Scientific (, which is the only reading.

Instructor: Richard Kessin
See this instructor's bio
Location: Geer Village
Times: Friday, 10am-Noon
Dates: Apr 22 - May 27
Sessions: 6

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Group Meditation

This meditation group grew out of the fall semester course, "Indian Philosophy and Meditation". In it we will practice a variety of meditations in the Buddhist tradition with emphasis on the vipassana mindfulness meditation practice. No prior experience in meditation is necessary.

Instruction is available and every one is welcome.

See this instructor's bio